Flickering Lights / Blinkende Lygter
Anders Thomas Jensen, Denmark, 2000.
Directed by: Anders Thomas Jensen
Script: Anders Thomas Jensen
Producer: Kim Magnusson
Production company: M&M Productions
Cinematography: Eric Kress
Editing: Anders Villadsen
Music: Bent Fabricius-Bjerre, Jeppe Kaas
Cast: Søren Pilmark, Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Ulrich Thomsen, Sofie Gråbøl, Iben Hjejle, Ole Thestrup, Frits Helmuth
Format: 35 mm
Running time: 109'

Torkild may be forty, but he's not past it, even though he is still in thrall to the Faeroe, a vicious, big-time crook from the Faeroe Isles. And even though his own little gang of faithful buddies has a depressing tendency to fail at the jobs he plans for them. The four no-goods with their traumatic childhood memories have never really grown up, but their lives change when at last they find a hang-out – a deserted forest inn – where they are able to lead a different kind of life, the kind other people lead, and indeed paid for by other people's money. So crime isn't the only thing that can become part of your nature – real life can, too.

Awards and Festivals
Robert Festival 2001 - Audience Award, Best Cinematography

Directors Biography
Anders Thomas Jensen was born in 1972, Denmark. Self-taught writer and director. His short films are studded with awards. In three consecutive years he had a short film nominated for an Acadamy Award, films produced by M & M Productions: 'Ernst & the Light' (1996, co-directed with Thomas Villum Jensen), ‘Wolfgang’ (1997), and Oscar-winner 'Election Night’ (1998). Jensen's directorial feature film debut was with Flickering Lights’ (2000), a box office success, critics ranking it as a brilliant and witty buddy movie. Boxoffice success was repeated with ‘The Green Butchers’ (2003), a winner at Oporto, Brussels and Amsterdam, and Adam's Apples’ (2005).

Location and screening schedule: ZAGREB DANCE CENTER, Friday, October 21st at 20.30
Slika 1