Happiness / Glück
Šejla Kamerić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, 2010.
Directed by: Šejla Kamerić
Script: Šejla Kamerić
Producer: Amra Bakšiæ Èamo, Jovan Marjanoviæ, Elvira Geppert
Production company: SCCA/, Geppert Production
Cinematography: Vladimir Triviæ
Editing: Timur Makareviæ
Cast: Milena Draviæ, Olga Kolb
Format: 16mm to HD
Running time: 17'

Showing pursuit for happiness as a way of survival, this film is a potential remembrance in which boundaries between the past, present and the future tend to be erased. Berlin plays a significant role in the film, epitomizing a place in which suffering is part of the past, but is also a potential future.

'Happiness is when you feel that what once you thought of as oppressive has now become the only meaning of life.' Leo Tolstoy in the letter to B. N. Chicherin

Directors Biography
Šejla Kameriæ was born in 1976 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She uses mainly photography, video and film as media juxtaposing an explicit social context with intimate perspectives. Her approach to art also includes public interventions, diverse types of actions and site-specific installations. Curator Dunja Blazevic has commented that ‘learning about life in the cruellest way and knowing how to transform such experiences into art is the essence of her work.' Theoretician Anselm Wagner wrote succinctly about her work: ‘Kameric’s specific achievement is not a matter of authentically embodying a European trauma. It is rather the case that in her work we become a part of the trauma, slipping into the roles of victims and perpetrators and suddenly feeling what mechanisms are here at work.' Her works have been exhibited throughout Europe, in the USA and in Japan, and have been included in some prestigious European collections such as Muse d'Art Moderne de la ville de Paris; collection of The Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art; Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Rotterdam and Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb­. She won the National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania ONUFRI award for 2004, Special award at (46th) October Salon, Belgrade in 2005 and The ECF Routes Princess Margriet Award for Cultural Diversity in 2011. Šejla received DAAD- Berlin, Artist in Residency Fellowship for 2007. Kameric is amongst a generation of artists equally at ease presenting new work within the context of international art exhibitions as well as film festivals. Her first short film What do I Know, premiered in Corto Cortissimo section of (64th) Venice International Film Festival and circulated over 40 film festivals winning Golden Pram for the Best Short Film awards at (5th) Zagreb Film Festival and (15th) Adana Film Festival. 'Glück', a 16mm short film premiered at the Sarajevo Film Festival and screened in the short feature competition of 2010 Zagreb Film Festival where it got special mention of the jury. Her film 1395 Days without Red premiered at 2011 Manchester International Festival. She lives in Berlin and Sarajevo.

Location and screening schedule: MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Sunday, October 23rd at 18.00