Going Our Way / Gremo mi po svoje
Miha Hočevar, Slovenia, 2010.
Directed by: Miha Hočevar
Script: Miha Hočevar
Producer: Danijel Hoèevar
Production company: Vertigo/Emotionfilm
Cinematography: Simon Tanšek
Editing: Olga Toni, Jurij Moškon, Andrija Zafranoviæ
Music: Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar
Cast: Jurij Zrnec, Tadej Koren Šmid, Jure Kreft, Matevž Štular, Gaja Pegan Nahtigal
Format: 35 mm
Running time: 93'

Teenager Alex and his friends go to a summer camp by the river. The camp leader is quite annoying – he takes scouting much too seriously, which causes conflict, as the boys would rather have fun, try their luck with the girls from the neighboring camp, and swim, than learn scouting skills and constantly take part in all kinds of competitions. The situation in the camp keeps deteriorating, and parents visiting day is drawing near. The camp leader makes a cunning move, organizing a camping in the wild competition, where small groups of scouts spend a night on their own in the wilderness in improvised shelters. Naturally, to escape the monotony, Alex volunteers. Jaka, the camp leader’s hypochondriac son, and Sleepyhead, a philosopher type, join him...

Awards and Festivals
Slovene Film Festival 2010 - Audience Award Best Picture

Directors Biography
Miha Hoèevar is director and writer, born 1963 in Ljubljana, where he studies film and television direction at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT). Already as a freshman he became actively involved in film and television production as an assistant and director. He works primarily on commercial projects - including directing several hundred commercials - writes screenplays and has directed four features.

Location and screening schedule:
EUROPA CINEMA, Tuesday, October 18th at 12.30
MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Tuesday, October 18th at 18.30
Slika 1 Slika 2