Documentary Film Jury

Chris McDonald, Executive director of Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, Canada
Amra Bakšić Čamo
, Producer and CineLink (SFF) Facilitator
Tim Pritchard
, Director and Producer


Chris McDonald was appointed Executive Director of Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival in October of 1998.  A native of Montreal, Chris holds a degree in Film Studies from McGill University.  Prior to Hot Docs, Chris was Development Director for five years at the prestigious Canadian Film Centre, the advanced film, television and new media training centre founded by director Norman Jewison. Prior to working at the CFC, Chris worked for two national environmental organizations.  He serves on several industry advisory boards, and has served on panels and juries at leading festivals around the world.



Amra Bakšić Čamo holds a degree in Comparative Literature and Library Science. She is one of the founders of SCCA / – a film, video and TV production of the Sarajevo Center for Modern Art. She has produced numerous short films, video works, documentary films and a few feature-length films. From its very beginning in 2003, Amra has been the facilitator of CineLink, a regional co-production market and workshop for project development at Sarajevo Film Festival. She teaches Production at the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo and is the president of the Film Workers' Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina.



Tim Pritchard is a documentary film-maker and producer whose films are shown all over the world. His credits include documentaries for Channel 4, BBC, PBS and Discovery Channel. His first book, AMBUSH Alley, is eye-opening account of the most extraordinary battle of the Iraq war. His second book, Street Boys, tells the story of a London street gang. His documentaries include the award-winning series 'Hostage' for Channel 4 and PBS, 'Ross Kemp On Gangs' for Sky One, 'The Force' a documentary series on the RUC for Channel 4, 'Planet Islam', a series looking at religious fundamentalism for the BBC and PBS and 'When Black Became Beautiful', a series charting the rise of black beauty for the BBC.