Checkers Jury

Juraj Lerotić, Director
Jukka-Pekka Laakso
, Director of Tampere Film Festival
Danijel Hočevar, Producer


Juraj Lerotić was born in 1978. He obtained his degree in Preschool Education from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar. He is currently completing his studies of Film and TV Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts. He directed short films ('12', 'A Pillar') and co-directed TV shows 'Mjenjačnica' and 'Koledžicom po svijetu'. He won Balkan Fund award for his script for the feature-length film 'Mother'. His film 'And Then I See Tanja' has received awards at numerous festivals throughout the world, including Golden Pram for Best Films in Checkers Program at the last year's Zagreb Film Festival.



Jukka-Pekka Laakso, was born in 1959, Finland. He is the festival director (since 2002) and president of the board of directors at Tampere Film Festival, which is one of the best known and longest running short film festivals in the world. He is also the executive director for a non-profit organization, the Pirkanmaa Film Centre (since 1998), which manages an art-house cinema and works extensively in the field of media education. Furthermore, he worked as a free-lance film critic for multiple radio programs and magazines. In 2004, he was appointed as the Chairman of the National Council for Cinema, which brought him a seat at the National Council for the Arts. He also is a member of the European Film Academy.



Danijel Hočevar was born in 1965 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 1986, Danijel established Emotionfilm, together with Damjan Kozole, Director & Screenwriter, as the first independent film production company in Slovenia and among first in former Yugoslavia. Emotionfilm produced or co-produced 21 full-length films (18 features and 3 documentaries) and more than 20 short films. Danijel Hočevar has been selected among Variety’s Ten Producers To Watch in 2001. He is also a voting member of European Film Academy, a member of the selection jury of Nipkow Programm from 2005, and a member of the pedagogical team (group leader) of EAVE – European AudioVisual Entrepreneurs from 2009.